Henrik Iversen
Textwriting / Singing / Artwork / Webdesign and programming/ Stagedesign
Henrik is responsible for all text input and for the singing part in NNB. So he would also be the one mainly performing on stage.
Besides that, he is also taking care of all design aspects in the band. Which means that he does the graphic design and webdesign and programming for NNB as well as the artwork and logodesign used. He has also built the stage decoration for NNB as well as bands such as IRIS and Lights Of Euphoria. All merchandise is also being manufatured through Henrik. So if you need anything, or you have a questions concerning those aspects please send an eMail.
Vasi Vallis
Vasi is the composer of NNB's songs. All songwriting related aspects from the first idea, arrangement and production, to the final track lays in his hands. Vasi is also doing the "NamNamBulu" remixes for other bands.
Additionally, he´s responsible for the co-management of the band in collaboration with Torben Schmidt from Infacted-Recordings, e.g. promotion activities, tour organisation and future strategies for developing the band. If you have any question about NNB releases, if you want to ask for a NNB remix or want to book NNB for a concert, he's the one to talk to. It is not unusual that he vanishes for a longer period of time in order to work on some ideas and visions, so be patient if he disappears for some days...